Touch Pianist is a musical toy / instrument that allows the user to perform hard-to-play classical piano music favorites (from composers like Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Satie, Debussy to name a few) just by tapping the rhythm of the piece's particular sound events on a computer keyboard or a touch screen.
You can even change the type of piano you’re playing with different sound effect features.
Software purchased by individual departments may be limited to use in certain facilities.Autoscroll. Software Purchased by Individual Departments
For some software for college owned Windows computers go to Google Drive. Self-service Download for College Owned Windows Computers Self-enroll using the IT website for Office 365 (free for up to 5 devices) and Kurzweil (free). For access needed for personal use, including thesis work or other projects, purchase a personal subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud () or specifc apps or sets of apps using the educational discount or purchase a personal subscription to Adobe Spark (). For access needed for student organizations and publications, email askit and a funding source will be needed. For access needed for campus jobs/work your employing department should purchase a subscription for the apps needed. For access needed for current term courses email askit to request access. Current faculty and staff employees, email askit to request access then use Adobe Creative Cloud (). Faculty/staff only Software Google Shared Drive. Student and Amherst Community Software Google Shared Drive. Methods to install software include the following: Amherst Software Collection Some software will be limited to use on college owned computers and will not be available for personally owned computers. You must use a VPN connection to the Amherst network if you want to run some licensed software while off-campus.
We do this by using network license servers, KeyServer, software management tools, and/or hardware keys. IT is required to enforce licensing limits for some software.